Modified Car Insurance Guide
Prior to modifying a street car the owner is usually thinking about the journey they are about to embark on and the glory that they will feel when they come out the other side, however there is one other important thing you must take into account. Something people often fail to consider is that heavily modifying their vehicle will make it harder for them to find modified car insurance. Although there is a movement towards accepting cover on modified vehicles this doesn't mean that insurance companies are getting any more lenient on the premiums that they are charging.
Like any other car insurance cover, modified car insurance premiums are calculated based on the perceived risk of the vehicle and the driver. When determining the risk posed by the driver factors taken into consideration are age, gender, address and so on. Unluckily for those trying to insure modified cars the factor of age is usually against them and given that their gender is usually male this skyrockets the cost of the premium further perpetrating the myth that modified car insurance is expensive for everyone. The reality is that car insurance on a modified car will not cost a great deal more than that of a normal car for a sixty year old female because the combined risk is still low. Insurance companies know that a modified car in the hands of a teenage driver is a huge risk and with it comes huge premiums.
Another factor which determines the high cost of modified car insurance is the increased likelihood of the cars being stolen. Given that their street value is high a modified vehicle is a much more likely target for a thief than a standard car and this is yet another determinant of high premiums. If you tell insurance companies that you are going to be parking your car in a locked garage this car often lead to a significant discount so this is definitely worth while mentioning when you are receiving a quote.