How Much Will Insuring Your Teen to Drive Raise Your Car Insurance Rates? Is it that time already? Your teenage child has come of age and is ready to get his or her driver's license. While you surely have many concerns about their safety and well being, you probably also have financial concerns as well. How much will adding your teenager to auto insurance policy raise your current rates? The answer will depend on the steps you take before adding your teen on to your coverage. In order to keep your car insurance rates as low as possible, take the following four steps. 1) Have your teen driver take driver's education classes, even if it's not required in the state that you live in. If it is required by law, have them take extra hours. 30 - 40 extra voluntary hours can greatly reduce the cost of adding them to your current auto policy. 2) Good grades count. Make sure to require that your teen keep at least a B average to have the privilege of driving. A B average could net you savings of as much as 15%. An A average can mean even bigger discounts. 3) If your teen goes to college, apply for the discount called the distant student credit. They must not take the car with them to school, they can only drive it when they come back on vacations or for holidays. Savings here can be as high as 40%. 4) Have your teen drive the older, less valuable car. The less you have to insure the primary vehicle for the teen for, the less your auto insurance rates will go up.