Ladies Car Insurance - How Much Cheaper is It?
It is a fact that lady drivers are less likely to be involved in a motor vehicle accident than male drivers. Lady drivers are seen to be less risk in the eyes of the insurance company, so they can offer them bigger discounts with more features and cover at lower priced premiums.
Women are less likely to make a claim because they don't speed like men and do seem to have a better driving history with no speeding convictions and good no claims bonus status. It is the young males that are the more likely to have a crash in their car, that why they always seem to be paying really expensive premiums. Young women that are aged under twenty five will still have to pay a rather expensive premium because they have not built up enough no claims bonus and because of their inexperience of driving on the road. That's why the older you get the cheaper the insurance cost is.
Today, there are many insurers and brokers that offer a special policy designed for the women driver, these companies are; Diamond, Diva, More Than and Shelia's Wheels. You will find that they offer women special discounted rates for their policy, they still offer cover for men too. The special features include cover for money, handbags, courtesy car and breakdown recovery service all included as standard on the policy. You can still add additional cover options such as legal cover if you want it.
Shop around and get as many quotes as you can not just from the specialist women's car insurance policies, but from the ordinary motor insurers too. You may find that they offer a cheaper deal than the women's specialist providers. Make sure that you have a clean driving license and a good no claims bonus status and you should have no problem getting a cheaper quote.