Short Term Car Insurance Options and Suggestions Getting insurance for your vehicle is a must for every responsible driver and whenever you need one it is good to look for short term car insurance quotes from your reputable insurance company before buying any policy. Most households here in the United States own at least two cars, many own as much as four to five cars. There may be two family cars that are used daily on work and school and the other cars can be the older models that are in good drivable condition. Those first two cars generally have long-term insurance because they are used almost every day. But the last three cars, those are the ones not used daily and seldom taken out of the garage, is generally too costly to have long-term insurance because they are not often used. But if you need to use them on the road, then short-term car insurance comes in handy. You may use a ""garage"" car, for example, when you need to drive to a nearby place. It is helpful to avail short-term car insurance before using the vehicle. It will provide you a cover to protect yourself in any kind of accident or mishaps that often and unexpectedly happen. It might sound unimportant, but you will never know when an accident will happen even if you drive safely. Car insurance gives the driver some peace of mind that they will be safe and secure from expenses in case of an actual accident; it is a thing they will never regret. Even cheap short term car insurance can give you some useful advantages in conjunction to your long-term car insurance. An example of this is when you need other people to drive your car; lending car to a friend, family member, or officemates and if you are unable to drive yourself and need other person to drive for you. Most long-term insurance does not cover your car if you are not the one driving it in case of accident, and will refuse to approve your claims later. But having a short-term insurance first when another person uses your car is valid and you can still be safe and covered; a case of accident during the policy coverage and you can still claim for damages. It is an ideal solution to a number of situations that you may not use your car; when it broke down, having repairs and borrowed by someone.