Car Insurance Keeping You Safe on the Busy Freeways If you're planning on operating a vehicle in California, you will need some type of California car insurance in order to do so. California has to abide by the guidelines that are set by federal lawmakers. This particular statute states that anyone that is operating a motor vehicle in the state of California must have some form of auto insurance in order to do so. However, upon the states discretion the policies can be manipulated to fit their needs. The state also has the final say in the quote that you receive for your policy as well. The minimum stature of insurance that you are allowed to obtain in California is liability coverage. Liability coverage is amongst one of the most popular plans that people in California undoubtedly choose. The reason why is because of the price of the insurance. Liability coverage is meant to cover the opposing party of an accident if they fall subject to any ailments. Your liability coverage on your vehicle if you reside in the state of California has to consist of at least $15, 000 worth of insurance to cover the opposing party's bodily injuries if you are involved in a wreck. As well as $30, 000 worth of coverage for other people's injuries who were in the other person's car and $5, 000 for property damage. These stipulations are not the final say in how much insurance that you have for your vehicle. These numbers are the minimum amount that you are allowed to carry. There are plans that offer more protection, and if you're driving in California State you will need it. The bustling roads of California during the early morning traffic jams and the rush to make it home at night on the elongated freeways create frenzy on the road. It's better to be protected just in case moments like this arise than to leave yourself and your vehicle vulnerable. Inadvertently, when people leave their homes in the morning no one knows what is going to happen in that day. It only takes one person who is not paying attention or doing what they should be doing to cause an accident. Insurance is your way of ensuring that in case an accident was to occur you would be able to cover damages. Perhaps the best auto insurance coverage that you can have on your vehicle in California is full coverage. This way your protected, other drivers are protected and you can have peace of mind while driving.