Cheap Auto Car Insurance The world was recently hit with a financial blow and sincerely, the economic recession is far from being over and so many people have become more worried because of their dwindled spending power and one thing that hits the mind of anyone shopping for auto car insurance is how to get it dirt cheap but not without compromising quality. Some clients, as a result of ignorance does not know that they can get their cars insured at a very cheap rate. In the past, people would have to walk through the streets in search of credible insurance companies to contract the protection of their cars to or better still pay high telephone bills in the process of calling up all insurance firms in their area for same purposes but today, the story is different all because of the world wide web which is the internet, this gap has been bridged because you can now get the desired cheap rates without it affecting your purse. Another very important part of this process is that you can get it all done within few minutes. What you need is the basic information of how to get this job done and done well. Just log on to the internet, input your zip code to get the list of all the insurance companies in your area and collect insurance quotes from them strictly for comparison purposes. Take time to go through these quotes thoroughly in order to choose the insurance company with the best policies and rates because history has proved that you can get dirt cheap auto insurance by comparing quotes from various insurance firms. There are some other tips on how to get your vehicles insured by top insurance companies at affordable rates which includes your premium payment habits. How quick and when you make your payments also contributes to how the insurance companies deal with you. Whatsoever that is worth doing, is worth doing well. You can indeed get your car insured at dirt cheap rate also, if you maintain a very clean driving record and avoid regular accidents. Traffic violation tickets should also be avoided like plague if you must get cheap insurance because the insurer sees you as low risk when you have a clean record and directly, it impacts on your rates. If you play by these rules, you are sure to cheap insurance for your cars.