A Few General Tips For Getting Cheaper Car Insurance Most of Canada would love to have their car insurance for less and if you live in Ontario, you are most likely no exception to that general rule. If you live in Ajax, Ontario, then this might be a bit easier than you think. Today you have a lot more options to help you get the kind of car insurance that you want without having to spend a fortune in order to get it. Luckily, also, you do have the advantage of Ajax being a smaller town and that means that, unlike some of Canada's large metro areas, you can expect to pay a bit less for the insurance you need for the vehicle or vehicles you drive. Since there are fewer people in Ajax, insurance providers are willing to charge less for the policies since there is also a corresponding lowering of the chance that you could become involved in an auto accident. In general, the fewer cars there are on the road in the town where you live, the less you end up having to pay. However, you still need to look around if you want to get a good deal, so let's cover what you can do to get a cheaper price on the insurance you need in order to feel as safe as possible while driving. One of the most obvious things you can do is keep to the rules of the road. This means less tickets and fewer tickets are going to help you get a lower rate. There are also those less flashy cars which are cheaper to insure so you can choose a model, if you have not done so already, that is going to give you a lot better price. When you take a look at your options, you are going to see that you can save quite a bit by simply being sensible about the type of driver you are and the sort of car you drive. Once you have these details out of the way, your best bet is going to be looking on the web for a Canadian site that is going to allow you to compare the prices for insurance policies suitable to you, as a driver, and that offer their cover in Ajax. If you do this, you are bound to find much lower prices than if you had to call around to try to find a good deal. A comparison tool is going to make the process of finding the perfect insurance policy a whole lot easier on you. It will give you great results at a price you can afford which is what you need. When you compare online, you generally end up saving more.